Stay at Home Spouses Need Life Insurance Too

Stay at Home Spouses Need Life Insurance Too

Ready for a surprise? Calculate the cost to replace the services your stay-at-home spouse provides Protect the breadwinner. It’s what you might expect an insurance professional to advise. It makes sense to cover the singular source of a family’s income – but what...
How to Insure a Vacation Home

How to Insure a Vacation Home

Use these tips to get the right coverage If you take a trip every year to the same place, it may make more sense to consider buying a home there instead of spending money on a hotel or house rental. Of course, purchasing a second home is a big investment, so there are...
The Five Types of Personal Insurance

The Five Types of Personal Insurance

You’ve insured your stuff, but what about you? We all know how important insurance is, yet it’s very common to be underinsured. In many instances, people focus on their possessions; if you have a home or car, almost certainly you have insurance for them. But a...
Behind Rising Auto Insurance Rates

Behind Rising Auto Insurance Rates

Why car insurance keeps rising and how you can fight it You may have noticed that your auto insurance rates have gone up in recent years. Well, it’s not your imagination and it’s not just you. While rates usually increase by 3 to 4 percent every year, data from the...